Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Star Wars: Darth Vader, Vol. 3: The Shu-Torun War

Star Wars: Darth Vader, Vol. 3: The Shu-Torun WarStar Wars: Darth Vader, Vol. 3: The Shu-Torun War by Kieron Gillen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Interesting as it was to see how the Empire deals with worlds under it's thumb, a fairly mediocre plot unfolds that introduces characters who don't play that big of a part in much of anything. I will be curious to see if this series ever manages to again capture the magic that was Star Wars: Vader Down.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Swamp Thing: Darker Genesis

Swamp Thing: Darker Genesis (Millar's Swamp Thing, #2)Swamp Thing: Darker Genesis by Mark Millar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mark Millar, you're a damn genius. This storyline took me an issue to really get into but man, once I did it was amazing.

Swamp Thing is now the Elemental Champion for the Parliament of Trees, the Parliament of Stones and the Parliament of Waves. All that remains are Fire and Air. Highly recommend to everyone.

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Faith, Volume 1: Hollywood & Vine

Faith, Volume 1: Hollywood & VineFaith, Volume 1: Hollywood & Vine by Jody Houser
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This tries really hard to embrace all of the quirky and lovable parts of Superman as Clark Kent the journalist and Peter Parker the photographer but comes up rather short for me. However, some parts succeed enough that I'm interested in reading the next volume.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Deadpool Pulp

Deadpool PulpDeadpool Pulp by Mike Benson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Even though it's filled with oft-used cliches and wouldn't make my list of top noir books, I liked it okay. The ending was a nice twist.

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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Injection, Vol. 2

Injection, Vol. 2Injection, Vol. 2 by Warren Ellis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"Education is the art of making man ethical."

Ellis does a great job building on the foundation laid in the first volume. Vivek Headland is a brilliant detective who is sort of a cross between Sheldon Cooper and Sherlock Holmes.

The character depth and broader story at work are the two things that I look forward to most in the next volume.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Uncanny X-Men: The Birth of Generation Hope

Uncanny X-Men: The Birth of Generation HopeUncanny X-Men: The Birth of Generation Hope by Matt Fraction
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Once I got past the horrendous rendering of Beast in the first few pages...

This was a decent if predictable story overall. I'm all for the creation of more mutants. Lord knows they seem to suffer loss more than most other factions within the MU. The underlying story of Emma Frost hiding Sebastian Shaw within Utopia seems to be gaining some steam leading into the next volume.

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Sin City, Vol. 3: The Big Fat Kill

Sin City, Vol. 3: The Big Fat KillSin City, Vol. 3: The Big Fat Kill by Frank Miller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Further proof that Sin City is the truest movie adaptation of comic book source material. This series might be my favorite in comics. Period.

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